This service is aimed for a pilots with an experience on Bombardier CRJ Series looking to become instructor SFI for Bombardier CL65. Service can also be interested for a flight school and Bombardier CL65 operators looking for a freelance TRE CL65 with privileges for SFI and TRI CL65 assessment of competence.

Bombardier CRJ TRI ➡️ Type rating instructor

Assessment of competence - type rating instructor - TRI for Bombardier CL65 - CRJ and all its variants - CRJ100 200CRJ700 900, CRJ1000, Challenger CL850, 870, 890 is provided by an EASA Examiner - TRE for CL65.

TRI Bombardier CL65 - CRJ Series pre-requisites

Type rating instructor - TRI for CL65 shall meet the requirements of FCL.915.TRI and specifically FCL.915.TRI(b). The candidate shall have completed at least:

  • 1500 hours flight time as a pilot on multi-pilot aeroplanes; and
  • have completed, within the 12 months preceding the date of application, 30 route sectors, including take-offs and landings, as PIC or co-pilot on the variant of Bombardier CRJ Series, of which 15 sectors may be completed in an FFS representing Bombardier CL65.

General privileges TRI Bombardier CL65

In accordance with FCL.905.TRI(d) type rating instructor - TRI for Bombardier CL65, can provide training for:

  • the issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for Bombardier CL65
  • single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes when the applicant seeks privileges to operate in multi-pilot operations (e.g. if you are a holder of TRI CL525, you are granted the multi-pilot training privileges;
  • MCC training;
  • the MPL training course on the basic, intermediate and advanced phases, provided that, for the basic phase, they hold or have held an FI(A) or IRI(A) certificate;

If the TRI assessment of competence is done in simulator, the privileges of TRI Bombardier CRJ Series are also restricted to the FSTD or restricted iaw FCL.910.TRI.

The privileges of a TRI CL65 include privileges to conduct Evidence Based Training practical assessment at an EBT operator, provided that the instructor complies with the requirements of Annex III (Part-ORO) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 for EBT instructor standardisation at that EBT operator.

TRI CL65 Restricted privileges

Most common is the restriction of TRI Bombardier CRJ privileges for flight training in simulator. In that case the privileges of TRI Bombardier CL65 are the same like the privileges of Bombardier CL65. In case of following exercises have been a part of the training in FSTD, the TRI CL65 can provide following trainings in real aircraft:

  • Line training under supervision (LIFUS)
  • base training

Since the flight training is not applicable in real Bombardier CL65 aeroplane, the restricted TRI CL65 privileges will cover all the training requirements. If the CL65 TRI training is carried out in FSTDs only, the privileges of TRIs shall be restricted to training in FSTDs. This restriction shall however include the following privileges for conducting, in the CL65 aircraft:

  • LIFUS, provided that the TRI training course has included the training specified in point FCL.930.TRI(a)(4)(i);
  • landing training, provided that the TRI training course has included the training specified in point FCL.930.TRI(a)(4)(ii); or
  • the training flight specified in point FCL.060(c)(2), provided that the TRI training course has included the training referred to in points (a)(1) or (a)(2).

The restriction to FSTD shall be removed if TRIs have completed an assessment of competence in the aircraft.

In accordance with GM1 FCL.910.TRI the restrictions of the TRI privileges are annotated on the license under ‘Remarks and Restrictions’ against the appropriate TRI certificate, along with the following endorsements:

  • if the training is carried out in an FSTD: ‘TRI/r’ (r=restricted);
  • if the TRI training, as specified in point FCL.910.TRI(a)(1), includes the LIFUS training: endorsement as per point (a) and ‘LIFUS’; and
  • if the landing training, as specified in point FCL.910.TRI(a)(2), is included in the TRI training course: endorsement as per point (a) and ‘LT’ (LT = landing training).

For example a TRI restricted with LIFUS and landing training privileges will have on their license the following endorsement: ‘TRI/r LIFUS LT’.

TRI Training for Bombardier CL65

Applicant for type rating instructor certificate - TRI(A) for Bombardier CL65 and its generations CRJ100 200CRJ700 900, CRJ1000, Challenger CL850, 870, 890 shall attend the training provided in accordance with FCL.930.TRI. The TRI CL65 training can only be provided by an EASA flight school - so-called approved training organization. The TRI training consists of:

  • 25 hours of teaching and learning
  • 10 hours of technical training, including revision of technical knowledge, the preparation of lesson plans and the development of classroom/simulator instructional skills;
  • 10 hours for multi-pilot aircraft or an FSTD representing Bombardier CL65;
  • the additional training, as applicable:
    • additional specific training before conducting LIFUS;
    • additional specific training before conducting landing training. That training in the FSTD shall include training for emergency procedures related to the aircraft.

Assessment of Competence TRI Bombardier CL65

Future Type Rating Instructor - TRI on Bombardier CL65 shall demonstrate his abilities and competence to provide the training towards Bombardier CL65 in accordance with FCL.935.TRI. Since the majority of the TRI Assessment of competence is done in simulator, the content and scope of the checkride is similar to SFI AoC. AMC4 FCL.935 mandates the assessment should consist of at least 3 hours of flight instruction related to the duties of an SFI on the applicable FFS or FTD 2/3.

Type Instructor development process

EASA Type rating examiner Roadmap (c) ProfiPilot TrainingDownload PDF

Bombardier CRJ Series TRI