This service is for pilots with a current Challenger 300/350 type rating interested in the revalidation. The service may also be of interest to small Bombardier Challenger 300/350 operators and flight schools looking for the freelance TRE CL30.

Challenger 300/350 ➡️ revalidation procedure

Bombardier CL30 proficiency check, LPC, sometimes called as prof check or license proficiency check is the checkride - with a TRE CL30 or SFE CL30 for re-validation of your current CL30 type rating for next period of validity. Successfully passed EASA Bombardier CL30 LPC is the requirement for flying in any variant of CL30 constituted into the common CL30 typerating beyond the current expiry date endorsed in your license.

We are talking about revalidation of Challenger 300/350 - Bombardier CL30 only in case if the type rating is still within its validity period.

Revalidation Proficiency check is also combined with the prof check for revalidation of type-related instrument rating.

You are exempted from LPC in case you have completed EBT practical assessment in accordance with Appendix 10 within 3 months immediately preceding the expiry date. 

Pilots who leave an operator’s Evidence Based Training programme after having failed to demonstrate an acceptable level of competence in accordance with that EBT programme shall not exercise the privileges of that type rating until they have complied with one of the following

  • they have completed EBT practical assessment in accordance with Appendix 10;
  • they have passed a proficiency check in accordance with point FCL.625(c)(3) or point FCL.740(b)(3), as applicable. In such a case, point FCL.625(b)(4) and point FCL.740(a)(2) shall not apply.

Legal background ✅ revalidation proficiency check

Challenger 300/350 - Bombardier CL30 Type rating revalidation procedures is described further in Ec 1178/2011, Subpart H - in FCL.740.A(a)(1).

In order to revalidate the type rating, you have to pass a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to Part-FCL or complete EBT practical assessment in accordance with Appendix 10 FSTD representing the Challenger 300/350 or  its variants within the 3 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the rating with CL30 TRE. In addition during the period of validity of the type rating, you have to complete at least:

  • 10 route sectors as pilot of any variant of Challenger 300/350 Series; or
  • 1 route sector as pilot of the Challenger 300/350 Series or simulator flown with an TRE CL30. This route sector may be flown during the proficiency check.

If you are a pilot working for a commercial air transport operator approved in accordance with the applicable air operations requirements who has passed the operators proficiency check combined with the proficiency check for the revalidation of the class or type rating is exempted from complying with the above mentioned requirement.

The proficiency check shall only be done by an EASA Examiner with respective Type Rating Examiner privileges for Challenger 300/350 Series type and particular variant.

Scope of ✈️ prof check

Challenger 300/350 type rating holder has to demonstrate ability to perform maneuvers, procedures on that particular variant of CL30 with competency appropriate to the privileges granted. The operator proficiency check may be combined together with your renewal license proficiency check.

The duration of entire CL30 license proficiency check takes approximately 4 up to 6 hours total. The flight with the EASA flight examiner takes approximately 2 hours up to 4 hours of the block time - depending on the type of the operations. The rest of the time is used for the preparation of the check flight (route planning, briefing, debriefing and any oral theoretical knowledge examination).

Challenger 300/350 ➡️ Instrument rating cross-credit

By passing the Challenger 300/350 proficiency check, you will be a holder of type-related instrument rating. If you are a holder of additional class ratings or type ratings, you can apply the cross-credit for your additional type-related or class-related instrument ratings. This is by application of the Appendix 8 to Part-FCL. It is important to notice that to apply the cross-credit the other class or type related instrument rating shall be valid at the time of the CL30 IR proficiency check.

The Challenger 300/350 type-related instrument rating revalidates other instrument ratings as follows:

  • SE class rating (*) , and
  • SE type rating (*) , and
  • SP ME class or type rating except for high-performance complex type ratings, only credits for Section 3B of the proficiency check in point B.5 of Appendix 9

* Provided that within the preceding 12 months the you have flown at least three IFR departures and approaches exercising PBN privileges, including at least one RNP APCH approach on an SP class or type of aeroplane in SP operations, or, for multi-engine, other than HP complex aeroplanes.

Validity period ➡️ revalidated type rating

Validity of the Challenger 300/350 type rating in accordance with FCL.740(a) is 12 months (1 year). The validity period starts by the day of the Challenger 300/350 prof check and ends up by the last day of the month plus 12 months. If the CL30 LPC has been failed, the Challenger 300/350 type rating privileges becoming suspended and you will not be able to exercise of CL30 type rating privileges. The validity of the Challenger 300/350 - CL30 type rating can be again revalidated 90 days prior expiry date with keeping current expiry pattern.

Challenger 300/350 validity example - normal pattern

Type rating CL30 is valid until 31 JANUARY 2022 and the CL30 prof check has been successfully passed at 24. November 2021.

  • New expiry date: 31 JANUARY 2023
  • Reason: Revalidation done within period 90 days preceding the expiry date

Challenger 300/350 validity example - shortened pattern

Type rating CL30 is valid until 31 JANUARY 2022 and the CL30 prof check has been successfully passed at 30. October 2021.

  • New expiry date: 31 OCTOBER 2022
  • Reason: Revalidation done outside (ahead) period 90 days preceding the expiry date

Challenger 300/350 validity example - renewal required

Type rating CL30 is valid until 31 JANUARY 2022 and you have done your CL30 prof check 01 FEBRUARY 2022.

  • Your CAA will most likely reject your application and void the prof check
  • Reason: CL30 type rating has expired and you need to attend renewal procedure provided by flight school (ATO)